Solid Frontier Technologies has the expertise to assist customers in securing their intranet and extranet from threats.
With hacking tools widely available nowadays, security is crucial in the IT world to protect companies from losing confidential data.
Solid Frontier Technologies acknowledges this serious threat, and we can provide the necessary security facilities to curb this threat. Security is also an ongoing effort; hence network security audit is an ongoing effort as well.
Some of the features on how we do it:
• External media lockdown � Confidential data is usually copied out through external media. We analyze and provide proposal to control data leakage.
• Defense in-depth � from securing physical layer (network cables) till the application layer (HTTP, FTP etc), we can ensure that security enforcement is to the maximum.
• End to end protection � Every device (network or standalone) could be a potential security risk. We ensure that all of these devices are secured.
• Every business is unique � We do not practice one solution for all. We understand that all business is unique, and have different requirements. Hence our solutions are customized for you